• Solomon AccuPick 3D

    AccuPick is an international innovative award-winning intelligent 3D vision bin picking system from Solomon, deploying the advanced 3D vision and AI technology, no labor is needed to take care of messy objects. Through this 3D vision system, pick-and-drop actions can be completed easily with the help from the user-friendly navigation robot. Despite having complex images and unrecognizable features, AccuPick can quickly identify it, helping the robot to perform pick-and-drop tasks that were previously considered impossible or difficult. AccuPick is your best solution for guided robot bin picking.

    Product Highlights

    • Flexible production made efficient with AI that reduces training time needed for 3D model construction. No CAD software required. Applicable to multiple industries.
    • Compatible with the global majority robot brands, no need for programming or teaching.
    • Collision-free motion planning with precision optics and intelligent algorithm. No teaching needed when using specific applications.
    • Supports multiple 3D scanner technologies.


    Suitable for pick-and-drop tasks in the automotive, consumer electronics, food packaging, textile, metal production, machine tending industries.


    • IP65 rated
    • CE, FCC, VCCI and RoHS certified
    • Select camera models are certified with MTBF of 40,000 hours
  • Solomon AccuPick 3D

    Camera Series Supported
    SLM 3DRBP-0231C
    SLM 3DRBP-0501C
    Vision Software
    SLM VISBP-S100
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Solomon AccuPick 3D

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